Afternoon Tea 2019

Last Updated on October 4, 2023
Billie Box is holding an Afternoon Tea in aid of Myeloma UK on Saturday, 7th September 2019 between 2 and 5pm at the Longshed, Woodbridge, IP12 1FP.
Billie Box has been fundraising over the last 7 years and has raised over £24,000 for many different charities. Cancer campaign in Suffolk, Papworth Trust, Age UK Suffolk, St. Elizabeth Hospice, Centrepoint and Families in Need to name a few.
This year Billie Box’s chosen charity is Myeloma UK. Myeloma is a Blood cancer that can affect around 17,500 people around the UK at one time. This charity supports those living with the cancer and their families.
Please do buy a ticket for our Afternoon Tea and help us support this great charity.

Our Itinery:
2 pm arrival with tea
2.15 pm Talk by Chairman of the Longshed
2.45 pm Food is served
3.45 pm Raffle
5 pm Carriages
Car Parking
There is no car parking at the Longshed, however, you can park at the Woodbridge Station car park or behind the Woodbridge swimming pool car park then walk along to Tide mill way.
In front of Riverside theatre area, there will be a stand: Absolutely Natural clothes stand. Tanya and Wendy have offered to give a percentage of their sales to Myeloma UK. Many thanks to Tanya and Wendy for their support.

Billie Box has many supporters of this event, they are as follows:
Woodbridge Emporium, 66 Thoroughfare, Woodbridge
Dzo Dzo, 28 Thoroughfare, Woodbridge
The Tannery, 6 Thoroughfare, Woodbridge
Adrian Smith – Writer of ‘The run to end all runs‘
Jane Hamerton – personalised towels
Tom Sanderson – will be playing guitar throughout the event, courtesy of Andrew Laws Associates.
JDM Haulage
Chaffinch, New Street, Woodbridge
Woodbridge Greengrocers, The Turban centre, Woodbridge
Joules, The Thoroughfare, Woodbridge
If you are a local business, we are looking for raffle prizes, so it would be great to hear from you too.
If you can’t make the event, then we have a donation page on Facebook.
Here is our booking form, please download today to get your tickets.
Billie Box Afternoon tea Booking Form 2019