Mid Summer Party 2018

Billie Box are sponsoring the Mid Summer Party 2018 in aid of Age UK Suffolk. Over the last 5 years, Billie Box has raised funds for many charities. A lot of the fundraising was for cancer-related charities. Previously, Billie Box has held 2 Billie Box Balls, so this year (2018) instead of Cancer and a …

Tiffers The Bus Shelter Ipswich

Billie Box sponsors Tiffers the Bus Shelter in Ipswich. When Jane saw Tiffers The Bus Shelter on the BBC Lookeast news bulletin, she felt moved to help this worthwhile charity. They select 5 rough sleepers to live on board the bus with them, the bus is static in one place, at the moment they are …

FFSC Lifeboat Day 2017

Billie Box has sponsored a couple of different charities 2017. The first was FFSC Lifeboat weekend in September 2017. This event raised over £3000 for the Lifeboat – Fantastic work by all those concerned. Fundraising For Jane & Matt are members of the FFSC (Felixstowe Ferry Sailing club) and their sailing club is holding a …

Billie Box Jail break

Update for Billie Box Jail Break – Raised £530 Our very own Jane Billing did a ‘Jail break’ for charity on Friday, 18th March 2016. Jane was locked up in an undisclosed location. The only way for Jane to get out of jail was to raise over £300 for the Papworth Trust charity. She actually raised £540 for this …

Billie Box Ball 2016

Billie Box has for the last 3 years, been actively fundraising for many charities.In 2013, they raised over £2,000 for Cancer Campaign in Suffolk by way of a Grand draw.In 2014, they raised over £4,500 for Cancer Campaign in Suffolk by way of the first Billie Box Ball.In 2015, Jane and her sister-in-law cycled from …

London to Paris Cycle Ride for St Elizabeth Hospice

Update 21-Sep-15 Well we have cycled from London to Paris and raised over £8,200 for the St. Elizabeth Hospice. The weather was gruelling and the hills were certainly a lot bigger than the Suffolk undulations. Exhausted now, but elated that we have done it. In keeping with Jane Billing’s tireless fundraising for many charities, Jane has …

Ball raised £4,600

The Billie Box Ball Raises £4,599.30 for Cancer Campaign in Suffolk Local business owner, Jane Billing of Billie Box Ltd, organised her first charity ball this year in aid of Cancer Campaign in Suffolk. Held on 3rd May 2014 at Seckford Hall in Woodbridge, the gala evening raised £2,299.65, which was then match funded by …

Charity Sailing Club

A few weeks ago, Jane’s boyfriend (Matt) went sailing at ‘Alton Water’ and whilst he was there he spoke to them about Billie Box’s products and services. They didn’t need any more containers, however they did say that they thought the Woolverstone Project were looking to buy a shipping container for storage. Woolverstone Project has …

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