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Rough guide to container transportation

shipping container delivery

There are many types of container transportation available in the UK. We always use an 8-wheeler HIAB rigid lorry to deliver and offload our 20ft containers or this type of vehicle with a trailer (also known as a ‘Drag’) for a pair of 20ft containers to our customers’ sites. We are often told that an 8-wheeler lorry has been on our customers’ sites and that our HIAB lorries should be fine to deliver their container(s). The 8-wheeler HIAB lorry (road lorry) that we use is quite different to the 8-wheeler Tipper truck (construction lorry). So here are some of the…

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Watertight containers

Shipping containers are generally sold as ‘Watertight containers’.  This usually refers to the fact that the roof, side panels and doors are all watertight, intact and do not leak. With all the FLOODS that have occurred during the last few years in various areas of the UK, the health of your container could be at risk! The Floor of a shipping container is 28mm marine treated plywood with steel underside cross members 6 inches apart and bitumen in between. If a shipping container were to sit in a puddle or even be in flooded water, after a period, the wooden…

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Condensation in Shipping Containers

How to prevent condensation build-up in containers Condensation in shipping containers and storage containers can occur due to poor ventilation or storing damp or wet goods. If not rectified, this can cause damage to goods stored in the container in future, even if the damp goods have been removed. Luckily, there are several ways to prevent condensation build-up in containers. Read on to find out how. Condensation in Shipping Containers Condensation occurs mainly on the roof interior and top six inches of the interior side-walls. The moisture usually develops while storing damp or wet goods inside the container, together…

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Billie Box delivers Nationwide

Billie Box has a number of container depots nationwide and they can deliver steel shipping containers or storage containers to many locations around the UK. Get an instant container quote. Name * Phone No * Email * Delivery Postcode * Comments (size & type, how many units & new or used required?) If you are human, leave this field blank. Our container depots are positioned at the following locations: Felixstowe, Suffolk Grays, Essex Southampton, Hampshire Birmingham, W. Midlands Leeds Liverpool We try to keep stocks of the many different shipping containers in all these locations; however, it is always…

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How a shipping container’s price and delivery charge is calculated

20ft new Shipping container

On a regular basis we at Billie Box receive a phone call or email looking for inexpensive shipping containers and stating something similar to these phrases: “I can see shipping containers stacked three high for miles, with all this surplus I should be able to find shipping containers for a cheap price!” “Why is the delivery cost so high?” “What can you do on the price? So-and-so down the road is offering a cheaper price.” Many of the shipping containers that can be seen in depots and dock terminals are either en route to their final destination or are…

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Facts about Shipping Containers

20ft new Shipping container

Shipping containers have affected our daily lives for many years, but what do you know about them? This article will help you out with some facts about shipping containers. Shipping containers carry a large percentage of the goods that impact our daily lives, and many people work with them (both directly and indirectly) in business. Since many people don’t think about containers regularly, we thought you might like to hear a few facts about shipping containers. Here at Billie Box we sell shipping containers and rent shipping containers. The Inventors of Shipping Containers The inventor of the shipping container…

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