Charity & Sponsorship 2023
Last Updated on October 4, 2023
We at Billie Box pride ourselves on how we try to support the local community. We want to give something back, so with this in mind, we are support the following charities.
Home-Start Suffolk

The Moonlight Ball raised a whopping Β£30K for local families in need in Suffolk. Well done to all the team
Home-Start charity volunteers support families with money worries, parenting worries and similar challenges with life as a family.
The Bus Shelter
We saw a Facebook urgent request for help from The Bus Shelter and immediately wanted to help. The Bus shelter help homeless people in Ipswich and surrounding areas. They offer a food bank for those who cannot feed themselves or their families and assistance to homeless people by offering a safe place to sleep (in a converted double decker bus) wash and eat. Offering the opportunites to get these people back on to a better track.

Youth Sailing at Felixstowe Ferry
We have supported Youth sailing for a number of years by way of sponsoring one of their ‘Saftey boats’. We love to see young people enjoying and improving their sailing skills.

Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club
Jane has been a member of this club for around 57 years now and always supported what the sailing club are doing. FFSC is a fantastic sailing club. They hold many prestigious sailing championship events, Nationals and Worlds alike. This year they held the 77th Firefly National championships in August. The Firefly’s have been visiting the club every 6 years, since the 1960’s and they always have a fab time. The North sea can be very challenging and it really tests their wits and nerve.

In August the club also ran the Dart 16 National Championship and a Regatta for the club members and visitors. Another great weekend of fun.

Also we support the FFSC saftey boat, named Giles after the Cartoonist.

Suffolk Sound Radio Station
This Felixstowe radio station started up in July 2023. They are not-for-profit-organisation and they promote many charity and social events throughout Suffolk.
We support Jules Button’s shows on a Thursday and Friday from 10am and 12 Noon. Why not tune in today.