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Converted Shipping Containers

Have you ever seen those houses made out of shipping containers on TV and thought, “Wow! How in the world could I get something like that?” Well, that’s the result of converting shipping containers. Converted shipping containers can be used for so many different things, like for storage, classrooms, chemical stores for farmers, and as …

Buying a shipping container office? Read this first!

Mobile office units are a great way of adding secure, comfortable and cost-effective office and canteen spaces to your business. They are an ideal solution for building sites, farms, schools, sports clubs, car dealerships and many other businesses. With your own shipping container office, you can join the thousands of people benefiting from convenience, practicality …

Catamaran Open Meeting at FFSC 2021

Billie Box are proud sponsors for the Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club’s (FFSC) Catamaran Open meeting on Saturday, 31st July and Sunday, 1st August 2021. Billie Box have been sponsoring the FFSC safety boat Carl Giles for over 4 years now. The club’s Catamaran class has gone from strength to strength and is looking forward to …

Charity 2020/21/22

Jane, Matt & Clare have been really busy over the last 10 years and as part of Billie Box’s business policy they have been supporting various charities in the local area and further afield. 2020-22 has seen a huge number of Covid cases, which has been a worrying time for many Worldwide households. 2022 Russia …

Shipping Containers Simplified

Shipping Containers can be a confusing topic. At least on first glance it certainly appears so. If you find yourself in the position where you need to buy a shipping container there are likely a lot of questions swirling around your head. Are all shipping containers made the same way? How are shipping containers delivered …

School Refurbishment

Shipping containers for school and college refurbishment This week, the UK Government announced a ten-year plan for the refurbishment of schools and colleges across the nation. With over £1 billion in funding, it is the first major rebuilding programme to be launched since 2014, and will begin as soon as 2020-21. You may be familiar …

Cheap shipping containers: What to watch out for

Cheap shipping containers: What to watch out for There are many companies offering ‘cheap shipping containers’ these days. These companies often have professional-looking websites, ‘five star reviews’ and an all-round legitimate appearance. However, their use of the word ‘cheap’ should send alarm bells ringing. There is a reason why companies offering certain goods and services …

Rent a shipping container with a simple phone call

Rent a shipping container with a simple phone call Did you know that it’s actually very easy to hire a container from Billie Box? If you’ve never hired one before, or you’ve had trouble in the past, you might be unsure about future container hire. We’re here to show you how renting a container from …

Charity 2020

Charity Support for 2020 Over the last 8 years, Billie Box has held 2 Billie Box Balls, 1 Midsummer party, 1 Afternoon tea, got locked up in a bank, cycled from London to Paris and made many donations to a fair number of charities. These charities include, St. Elizabeth Hospice, Age UK, Papworth Trust, Myeloma …

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