How We’re Supporting Cancer Support Suffolk – Charity Golf Day

Cancer Support Suffolk is holding a charity golf day at Seckford Golf Club on Friday, 19th July and we at Billie Box are supporting this event by sponsoring a golf hole.

Billie Box has in the past supported Cancer Campaign in Suffolk, which is now named Cancer Support Suffolk. This is a local charity and we wish to give back to the community by supporting this event. 

The golf day is one of many events held over the course of the year. Events like this attract welcome funds to support them.

Cancer support in Suffolk

At Cancer Support Suffolk they are focused on life before, during and after cancer. They aim to educate our Suffolk community about the signs and symptoms prior to its arrival, support cancer patients during treatment through non-clinical therapies and provide a safe space in their wellbeing workshops in the latter part of treatment and beyond.

We at Billie Box want to support them wherever possible and with such a large percentage of us having experienced cancer in some way (all three of us included), it is our way of giving back and knowing we can make a difference to our local community.

Our Commitment to the Community

Here at Billie Box, we are dedicated to supporting the local community. There are many worthy charities that need our help. 

We try to build trust by giving back to our local community. We feel that by supporting our community our customers understand and put trust in our work ethics. It creates social responsibility, demonstrates our commitment and enforces our good reputation.

The Importance of Supporting Cancer Support in Suffolk

Set up in 1998, Cancer Support Suffolk is run with a passion for helping the Suffolk community. Their dedicated team includes complementary therapists, counsellors, educators, ambassadors and business brains that come together to educate and support the people of Suffolk.

Sadly, cancer probably won’t be eradicated totally in our lifetime and so for as long it is here, there will always be a need for this great charity.

If you wish to see how this charity has made a difference to people’s lives, then have a look at their website.


We wish the day a great success and look forward to seeing photos of the day and hearing how much has been raised for this fantastic charity.

Charity 2020

Charity Support for 2020

Over the last 8 years, Billie Box has held 2 Billie Box Balls, 1 Midsummer party, 1 Afternoon tea, got locked up in a bank, cycled from London to Paris and made many donations to a fair number of charities. These charities include, St. Elizabeth Hospice, Age UK, Papworth Trust, Myeloma UK,  Centrepoint, Families in Need, Cancer Campaign in Suffolk, Clic Sargent, Lighthouse and many more.

During this really difficult time, Billie Box has realised that many charities are suffering and the people that benefit from each charity by the very nature will also suffer.

In order to help, Billie Box has made a small donation to the following charities:

Age UK Suffolk – towards the”Good Day Call”

Papworth Trust – towards the “Virtual Fundraising Challenge”

Colchester & Ipswich Hospital Trust – Support for the NHS staff Covid-19

Home-Start Suffolk – for their support to the local families in need.

If you can donate to these charities I am sure they will appreciate it.

Please do stay safe and well.

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