School Refurbishment

Shipping containers for school and college refurbishment This week, the UK Government announced a ten-year plan for the refurbishment of schools and colleges across the nation. With over £1 billion in funding, it is the first major rebuilding programme to be launched since 2014, and will begin as soon as 2020-21. You may be familiar …

5 ways an office container can save you money

Whether you’re a small business, a not-for-profit or a self-employed individual, your office space most likely accounts for a large chunk of your outgoings. As a small company ourselves, we at Billie Box can identify with the difficulty of striking the balance between keeping costs down and finding an office space which suits your needs. …

Classroom shipping container conversions

All too often these days the news carries worrying details of schools being put under increasing pressure to perform, not only from a results perspective but also from a financial perspective.  Teachers are under pressure to provide dedicated teaching to all students, with appropriate attention given to students with additional needs. Headteachers are under pressure …

Cost effective, secure alternative to Prefab buildings

Finding office space and canteen space can be challenging for businesses who find their space is at a premium.  Some businesses (like motor dealerships) sometimes simply do not have any indoor space at all.  Providing your staff with a warm, comfortable and productive working environment is an important consideration for any business.  Ensuring your staff …

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