Converted Shipping Containers

Have you ever seen those houses made out of shipping containers on TV and thought, “Wow! How in the world could I get something like that?” Well, that’s the result of converting shipping containers. Converted shipping containers can be used for so many different things, like for storage, classrooms, chemical stores for farmers, and as …

School Refurbishment

Shipping containers for school and college refurbishment This week, the UK Government announced a ten-year plan for the refurbishment of schools and colleges across the nation. With over £1 billion in funding, it is the first major rebuilding programme to be launched since 2014, and will begin as soon as 2020-21. You may be familiar …

5 ways an office container can save you money

Whether you’re a small business, a not-for-profit or a self-employed individual, your office space most likely accounts for a large chunk of your outgoings. As a small company ourselves, we at Billie Box can identify with the difficulty of striking the balance between keeping costs down and finding an office space which suits your needs. …

Classroom shipping container conversions

All too often these days the news carries worrying details of schools being put under increasing pressure to perform, not only from a results perspective but also from a financial perspective.  Teachers are under pressure to provide dedicated teaching to all students, with appropriate attention given to students with additional needs. Headteachers are under pressure …

Cost effective, secure alternative to Prefab buildings

Finding office space and canteen space can be challenging for businesses who find their space is at a premium.  Some businesses (like motor dealerships) sometimes simply do not have any indoor space at all.  Providing your staff with a warm, comfortable and productive working environment is an important consideration for any business.  Ensuring your staff …

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