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Many good reasons to diversify into self-storage on your farm

Stacks of 20ft containers, self storage site, self store

Shipping containers are perfect for self-storage businesses, and an increasing number of farmers are cashing in. Setting up a self-storage business is a great way for farmers to make extra money from their farms, with minimal effort and investment. Setting up a self-storage business can be as simple as placing a group of shipping containers on a piece of land. You can then make good money renting the secure space to local people and businesses. Self-storage; good reasons to diversify You can earn additional income from land that may otherwise be left unused. Existing land can easily be converted into…

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Storage Containers for Schools, Colleges & Universities

Shipping Container on transport

In our conversations with customers who work in schools, colleges and universities it’s quite common to hear the same problems. Throughout academia, organisations are finding themselves increasingly short of storage space. Storage is needed for sports equipment, exam furniture, archive paperwork, text books, etc. In the past, when schools and universities enjoyed larger development budgets the answer may have been to construct additional buildings on site. Ignoring the money side of this solution for a moment, building new storage buildings can be slow. Very slow. We have many customers who solve their storage problems by buying shipping containers. Shipping…

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Classroom shipping container conversions

shipping container classroom

All too often these days the news carries worrying details of schools being put under increasing pressure to perform, not only from a results perspective but also from a financial perspective.  Teachers are under pressure to provide dedicated teaching to all students, with appropriate attention given to students with additional needs. Headteachers are under pressure to provision the correct resources for both teachers and pupils.  While the attention and opportunities available for children with additional needs is certainly great news, finding the resources can be extremely challenging.  Appropriating the teaching resource is only one issue; another issue is finding…

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Self Storage

self storage, self store,

Self-storage businesses are popping up in many places around the UK. It is a growing industry in the UK and has been since the 1980s. Many self-store businesses actually use shipping containers. The containers act like rooms for each customer. They are lockable and secure. They can be placed side by side and stacked at least 2 high. Many customers of self-storage sites want to keep their possessions safe but just don’t have anywhere to store them. Customers include retailers, wholesalers, private individuals, construction firms and many, many more. The farming community, in particular, are diversifying into self-storage, because…

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Cereals 2017

Cereals Event 2016 exhibition stand

In 2017 we are investing further in meeting the needs of the agricultural community.  As a result we are proud to announce that we will be exhibiting at the Cereals 2017 arable farming event in Lincolnshire in June. The annual Cereals event is one of the biggest in the agricultural calendar, with over 24,000 attendees. Roughly half of the people who attend Cereals are farm owners and managers. Exhibiting at the event gives us a valuable opportunity to meet farmers, and gain a better understanding of how we can serve this vital sector. Our time at Cereals 2016…

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Storage Containers for Football Clubs

Football clubs often require storage containers for their unmanned sites. Football Foundation Did you know that the Football Foundation have set up a funding scheme for the purchase of a storage container? Click on Funding scheme for more information. So, English and Welsh Football clubs can purchase steel secure storage containers from us at Billie Box. We offer 20ft and 40ft steel shipping containers fitted with a lock box and padlock. These containers are perfect as a secure lock up. Billie Box has a variety of sizes and types of containers: Example of a Second hand 20ft x 8ft storage container (approx. 12…

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Facts about Shipping Containers

20ft new Shipping container

Shipping containers have affected our daily lives for many years, but what do you know about them? This article will help you out with some facts about shipping containers. Shipping containers carry a large percentage of the goods that impact our daily lives, and many people work with them (both directly and indirectly) in business. Since many people don’t think about containers regularly, we thought you might like to hear a few facts about shipping containers. Here at Billie Box we sell shipping containers and rent shipping containers. The Inventors of Shipping Containers The inventor of the shipping container…

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