Storage Made Simple: The Case for Investing in a Shipping Container

Why storage matters There is a lack of secure and flexible storage space for many industries and private people.  The solution to this problem is buying or hiring a shipping container for storage. They are secure, robust and watertight, which means they are perfect for your storage needs. Hiring storage containers can be a more …

How to easily expand storage at a hospital, school or supermarket

With the current social distancing measures in place in the UK due to COVID-19, many businesses have been deemed non-essential and have been asked to close by the government. Here at Billie Box, we are still very much open and functioning as an essential business; this is because container storage is a highly practical and …

Storage Containers for Football Clubs

Football clubs often require storage containers for their unmanned sites. Football Foundation Did you know that the Football Foundation have set up a funding scheme for the purchase of a storage container? Click on Funding scheme for more information. So, English and Welsh Football clubs can purchase steel secure storage containers from us at Billie Box. We offer …

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